Win2888 is a famous high-quality online casino site in Asia with many players over the years, providing online entertainment services and online casino games such as football betting, card games, and fumbling, baccarat, Vietnam lottery, cambodia lottery, Thai lottery, .... There are many new members who have inboxed admin to ask how to register an account at Win2888. Today, we will share for you how to register win2888 account just in 2 steps.
Below are two easy steps for beginners to follow in order to successfully get the chance to experience Win2888 online. Register a Win2888 account at is very easy
Register an account at Win2888: Link 1 – Link 2 – Link 3
Or go to the homepage of, then On the upper right-hand corner of the screen, locate the JOIN NOW button and click to proceed to the application process.
— Name: Please enter your full name, and must match the bank account name. លោកអ្នកត្រូវដាក់ឈ្មោះអោយដូចទៅនឹងឈ្នោះក្នុង អត្តសញ្ញាណប័ណ្ណ។
— Date of birth: enter your date of birth in Year, Month, and Day. លោកអ្នកត្រូវដាក់ថ្ងៃខែឆ្នាំកំណើតពិតដូច អត្តសញ្ញាណប័ណ្ណ។
— Account: Create an account name (optional) to log in to Win2888 later. Remember to click the Check button to find out if the account already exists or not? លោកអ្នកអាចដាក់អីក៏បាន (ជា Username សម្រាប់ Login) ចុច Check ដើម្បីមើលអខោនដែលជាន់គ្នា។
— Password: Use the simple password that make you easy to remember (Ex: aaaa1234). This password must be contain number and character. Please keep your password secure. ត្រូវដាក់លេខនិងអក្សរ ចាប់ពី 08 ខ្ទង់ឡើងទៅ (aaaa1234) ដាក់ងាយៗសិន ព្រោះនឹងត្រូវប្តូរនៅពេលដែល Login លើកដំបូងហើយ។
— Confirm Password: re-enter password again. ត្រូវដាក់អោយដូចគ្នាទៅនឹង Password ខាងលើ។
— Phone: Enter the correct phone number you use. Phone numbers are important to address security issues later.. After entering the phone number, please click on the Send verify code button, then receive the code to verify the code from the phone sms. Please check your SMS after this. ត្រូវដាក់លេខទូរស័ព្ទពិតប្រាកដហើយជាលេខដែលអាចទាក់ទងបាន។
— Preferred Currency: The default will be USD. លោកអ្នកអាចជ្រើសរើស រូបិយប័ណ្ណ ដែលខ្លួនពេញចិត្តបាន។
— Verify Code: This code has 4 numbers. This code you get from the sms that Win2888 sent to your phone.
— Affiliate Code: The default code is AF1782. If not, please fill in AF1782. If it is filled, just ignore this step. ត្រូវដាក់លេខកូដ AF1782
After you complete the information, just click “Submit”. រួចហើយត្រូវចុចពាក្យ Submit. After that, you will receive "Successfully registered" that means your registration is complete.
Congrats! You have successfully registered, and easily participate in betting at Win2888 after just 2 simple steps.. Once you have successfully registered, you can easily deposit to your Win2888 account and play all betting games here: Win2888's live casino games, Win2888 Poker, and even your preferred team's sports betting.
Thank you for viewing the registration guide Win2888 - register win2888, has instructed you how to register a Win2888 account, if you have any questions please contact us immediately. Good luck! Wishing you many luck and many win offline.
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